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We have an expanding IP portfolio spanning 5 non-provisional Utility patents with new technology currently under development.

Provides exhaustion protection in high temperature environments
Acquires and transports metabolic heat load
Reduces exhaustion during physical activities
Allows temperature control flexibility
Wearable Heat transport system, that uses convection along with humidity controls to acquire and remove metabolic heat and humidity from the users scalp.
High heat generating regions on the scalp using uniquely positioned jets to capture and transport heat to the outside of the cap: humidity controls and sensors built into the cap assist in controlling operating parameters via firmware.

Features and Benefits:

  • Minimizes potential for heat related illnesses
  • Increased stamina and focus
  • Improves readiness of military/workforce
  • Increases comfort in high heat environments
  • Shows companies commitment to workers safety
  • Acts as performance gear By minimizing fatigue and exhaustion during aerobic workouts
  • Low maintenance requirements and therefore cost


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